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This article is about Unity Kinkaid from the Netflix adaptation. You may be looking for Unity Kinkaid from the comic series.

Unity Kinkaid is an heiress, and Rose's mysterious benefactor. She has spent a century asleep. Now she's awake, having missed out on her life.


Meeting Rose[]

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Unity's confession to Rose

Hoping to meet her great-granddaughter for the first time, Unity posed as an interviewer to lure Rose to London, where she revealed who she truly was. Unity fell ill the night of her 12th birthday with encephalitis lethargica; she fell asleep and never woke up until eight months ago. But in her dreams, she had the most glorious life. She met a man with gold eyes and they had a baby, but it wasn't until she woke up that she found out that none of it was real, except for the baby. Apparently, while she was sleep in the hospital, she had a baby girl, who was adopted and later grew up to have a daughter of her own, named Miranda Walker. When Rose revealed that she was searching for her brother, Unity offered to fund the investigation, as their family was wealthy, given that they owned Kincaid Sugar. She also gifted Rose a gold annulet.[1]

Funding Jed's investigation[]

Unity got a call from Rose, who learned that Jed's foster parents were friends of her dad's and that she was staying in Florida for a bit longer to investigate. Like Rose, Unity was quite busy as well, revealing that there was a journalist interviewing her about the sleepy sickness. Unbeknownst to Rose, or Unity for that matter, she was being interviewed by The Corinthian.[2]

Rose called Unity to inform her that she was on the way to pick up Jed. Thrilled that everything was coming together, she offered to have them both flown out to her and have Mr. Holdaway look into making Rose Jed's legal guardian.[3]

Becoming the vortex[]

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Unity becoming the vortex

While asleep, Unity found her way to Lucienne's library in the Dreaming in search for the story of her life, had things turned out differently. According to the book of Unity's life, she was meant to be the Dream Vortex, but because Morpheus was imprisoned and locked out of the Dreaming, that fate was handed down to Rose. And so, Unity instructed Rose to reach deep down inside herself and hand over whatever it was that made her the vortex. Rose did just that, and pulled a vibrating heart shaped red crystal from inside her own body and handed it over to Unity, who took her role as vortex and died in Rose's place. Unity then mentioned how she met a golden-eyed man, with whom she conceived a child with many years ago.[4]

Physical Appearance[]

Unity was an older woman with brown eyes and long, gray dreadlocks.


Season 1[]



  1. Season 1, Episode 7: The Doll's House
  2. Season 1, Episode 8: Playing House
  3. Season 1, Episode 9: Collectors
  4. Season 1, Episode 10: Lost Hearts