The Three, or the Kindly Ones (as they prefer to be called), are a trio of goddesses consisting of the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. Originally featured as hosts in DC's line of anthology horror comics, in Sandman, they are connected to the triple goddess archetype, a tripartite deity that can take many different forms. The names the three constituent parts use may change, but they are always connected and are always the same entity.
Among their divine aspects are the Fates (also known as the Moirae), the Three Sisters, and the Erinyes (or the Furies, their vengeful aspect). As the Furies, they persecuted oath-breakers, patricides, matricides, and other violators of divine law. Their relentless pursuit manifested in several ways, one of the most severe being the inducing of tormenting, self-destructive madness.
After his escape from Alex Burgess, Morpheus visited the Three in the Dreaming to ask after the whereabouts of his sigils of power.[1]
John Dee decided to "consult oracles" at one point during his rampage in Mayhew, which resulted in The Three possessing his human victims. They foretold him that he had no future save for Arkham, but also that he would crush the Dream Lord's life in his hands, which ended up being Dee's undoing.[2] They also showed up during Dee's battle with Dream in the Dreaming to mock him.[3]
When Rose Walker started learning the truth about her origins, the Three visited her of their own will, cautioning her about her future ordeals in their usual cryptic manner.[4]
Calliope contacted them in an attempt to help her free herself from Richard Madoc, she summoned them in her Greek aspect, they came but told her they could not intervene because it was against divine rules. But she was told that the Eternals were not bound by those rules and suggested that she call Morpheus to help her. At first Calliope refused, but then the goddesses explained to her that, like her, he was a prisoner and that his disappearance left the mortal world in a plague of dreams and nightmares. Finally, they left, giving Calliope their deepest condolences for not being able to help her.
Around the time Lyta Hall conceived her child, the Furies identified Dream as a target of coming filicide; because they might take action against Dream due to the boon of death he granted to his son, Orpheus. Their interest was also engaged because Lyta Hall was related to them, and suffered a nervous breakdown after the abduction of her son, so the Furies offered her vengeance on Morpheus if she agreed to be their instrument of destruction. Lyta agreed, and the destruction of the Dreaming began. Mervyn Pumpkinhead was one of the few who actively took up arms to fight the Furies in The Kindly Ones and was destroyed. Fiddler's Green was killed by The Three in The Kindly Ones. Abel, too, was murdered by the Furies.
The Furies' attack on the Dreaming was so severe, that Morpheus was left with only one option in order to save his realm; his own destruction. The death of the incumbent aspect of Morpheus of necessity created a new Dream and the new incarnation manifested in Daniel Hall.

It is worth noting that during his journey to the Underworld, Orpheus made the Furies cry by playing his lute in order to gain an audience with Hades and Persephone. They claimed to have hated him for that.
The Furies later appeared in The Sandman Presents: The Furies published in 2002.
The Three are a trio of women whose appearances usually change depending on the religious aspect by which they are called, but they always maintain certain physical characteristics.
The maiden, or Cynthia, is a young woman of youthful appearance and beauty. She has pale skin, bright blue eyes, and long golden blonde hair that changes style depending on her divine aspects.
The mother, or Mildred, is a middle-aged woman with fine expression lines, brown eyes, and dark brown semi-gray hair.
The crone, or Mordred, is a decrepit old woman with pale and wrinkled skin, black eyes, and long thin gray hair.
Powers and Abilities[]
As the Three[]
- Omniscience: In several of their aspects, the Three are known as Goddesses of destiny, the three can see the past, present and future, they can know everything about a person, such as their origin, their life time and their death.
- Immortality: All three, as goddesses, are immortal as they are considered as old as the Endless.
- Magic: The Three, in several of their aspects, are known and worshipped as Goddesses of magic or are known as witches. With them having in depth knowledge of spells, potions, techniques and rituals alongside their immense and diverse magical powers.
- Fate Manipulation: As Goddesses of Destiny, The Three possess some control over destiny, although to a lesser extent than Endless Destiny.
Powers as the Furies[]
- Divine Punishment: As their aspect of the Furies or the Kindly Ones, The Three are able to inflict divine punishment on those who break divine law, with them stating to typically do so by inflicting self-destructive madness at their victim. As shown, their power over divine retribution is immense, allowing them to even overpower one of the The Endless should they break the laws they are bound to. As shown where after Morpheus had killed Orpheus, the Three were within their rights to kill/punish him in retaliation for breaking the ancient law over killing kin. With Morpheus being completely and utterly helpless to defend his realm from their rampage as the Furies began unraveling The Dreaming.
- Ancient Rules: Like The Endless, The Three are bound to a set of ancient rules that they cannot break or go against. One of which prohibits them from directly attacking and destroying another being unless they are guilty of breaking the ancient rules they are bound by. As shown where despite the Three, in their aspect as the Furies, held a grudge against Orpheus for making them cry, they were unable to retaliate against him due to him breaking no ancient law.
- Death: Like all beings within the universe, The Three are not immune to Death, as even Gods will one day die and should they anger her enough, Death herself is perfectly capable of ending them. As shown where Death was able to threaten them to back off when she came to collect Morpheus after he chose to willingly die to save his realm.
- During their rampage in The Dreaming, the Three Furies would acknowledge Eve as one of their aspects.