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This article is about The Good Doctor from the Netflix adaptation. You may be looking for Flay-by-Night from the comic series.

The Good Doctor is a serial killer who recruited The Corinthian for the "collectors" convention.


Copycatting the Corinthian[]

The Good Doctor, Nimrod, and Fun Land meet in Huntsville, Alabama to discuss their upcoming serial killer convention and how they needed a replacement for the Family Man as a guest of honor. The one person they'd all pay to see was The Corinthian, but Nimrod reached out every year, and he never got a response. The Doctor suggested they get his attention by copycatting one of his murders, though her colleagues were against the idea. However, she didn't give them much choice in the matter and went to the bathroom, where she cut out the waiter's eyes. It didn't take long for The Corinthian to get wind of them and track them down to the same diner. There, they explained that they would like for him to be their guest of honor at their annual gathering of "collectors."[1]

The Cereal Convention[]

The Good Doctor and Nimrod approached The Corinthian as he arrived at the hotel for the convention, handed him his room key, and warned him to keep Jed away from the convention areas after noticing that he was conversing with Fun Land, a known child predator. Later in the evening, The Good Doctor and Nimrod learned from Corinthian that the man claiming to be a collector known as "The Boogieman" was an imposter, as the real Boogieman drowned three years ago in Louisiana. Philip Sitz was the name of their imposter, who they decided to lure to a secluded area of the hotel before killing him. However, they were discovered by Jed, who The Corinthian perused.[2]

Netflix The Sandman 110 Lost Hearts 06 The Good Doctor

The Good Doctor's dream

The Good Doctor stopped by Corinthian's room to inform him that they had 15 minutes until his keynote address. Regarding Philip, they took care of him, but The Good Doctor was more interested in Jed, who The Corinthian insisted wouldn't be a problem. The Good Doctor, Nimrod, and all the other "collectors" gathered for The Corinthian's address, during which point, he instructed them to close their eyes and dream. And in doing so, they all shared on collective murderous dream until the walls were placed back up by Rose and The Corinthian was killed by Morpheus, who then took away their self-imposed victimhood and daydreams in which they were always right. Dream's punishment to the serial killers were for them to know exactly how craven, selfish and monstrous they were, subjected to feel the pain of those they had slaughtered and the grief of those who mourned them. The Good Doctor went to her car and called the police to turn herself in, whilst Nimrod shot himself in the head.[3]

Physical Appearance[]

The Good Doctor is a young woman with shoulder-length brown hair and brown eyes.


Season 1[]



  1. Season 1, Episode 7: The Doll's House
  2. Season 1, Episode 9: Collectors
  3. Season 1, Episode 10: Lost Hearts