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Sandman Wiki

The Brambles was a detached house in the London suburbs.


The house was owned by Rachel's father, a former pilot.

At some time after her breakup with John Constantine, Rachel returned there to live with her father. When her misuse of Dream's Sand Pouch began distorting reality and manifesting nightmares, The Brambles became the center point of that aberration, rendering it unsafe for mortal humans.

Rachel's father became the first victim, dissolving into a wall of flesh. Next came an unfortunate burglar who broke in to The Brambles for thrills, and was rendered unconscious, his mind lost in dreams.

When John Constantine and Dream visited the house in search of the pouch, Dream brought the nightmares back in line, and restored reality within its confines. Unfortunately, by the time of their departure, all inhabitants of the house were dead, so it's unknown what happened to the property afterwards.[1]

