The Tempest is issue 75 of the Sandman comic series, created by Neil Gaiman, Sam Keith, and Mike Drigenberg. It was originally released January 23, 1996.
In this final tale of The Sandman, Morpheus collects the last part of the debt owed to him by William Shakespeare. With dramatic interludes on a mysterious island, along with monsters, sprites, gods, maidens, apparitions and certain observations on English weather, this extra-sized tale brings a close to the original run of The Sandman.
- Shakespeare writes his last play, The Tempest, for Morpheus while dealing with his wife and daughter.
Featured Characters[]
- Dream
Supporting Characters[]
- Ariel
- Caliban
- William Shakespeare
- Sycorax
- Forthcoming
Other Characters[]
- Forthcoming
- Forthcoming
Continuity Notes[]
- Forthcoming
- Forthcoming