Nathan Diskin, also known as Fun Land, was a pedophile and serial killer.
Fun Land was a child predator who usually used an amusement park as his hunting ground. His primary method was to target lost children, presenting himself as somebody friendly, and luring them away. He took advantage of the fact that the management of the park would prefer to cover up any murders in order to avoid a publicity disaster.
In late 1989, Fun Land helped Nimrod organize the Cereal Convention, and manned the reception desk. As a fan of the Corinthian, he was excited to meet his idol, and even tried to ask for his autograph. When he later left his post to mingle with the other attendees, he chanced upon Rose Walker, and concluded that she looked "much younger" than her actual age.
The next day, minutes before the key note speaker appeared, Fun Land realized he couldn't keep it together any longer, and barged into Rose's room and attacked her, declaring that they were going to "play." He quickly overpowered Rose, but she managed to call out the name "Morpheus." Dream appeared and cast Nathan into sleep before proceeding to sort out the Corinthian.
Nathan experienced a happy dream where all his victims forgave him, and they played together. This bliss didn't last long; Dream stripped all the murderous conventioneers of their delusions, forcing them to face the reality of their actions. The subsequent fate of Fun Land is unknown.[1]
Fun Land later appeared in Batman: The Widening Gyre (2009) by Kevin Smith, still preying on children.
Fun Land is an overweight man with dark blond hair and a bushy mustache. He wears a T-shirt with a wolf depicted on it and a small hat with two pointy ears, evoking the imagery of a Big Bad Wolf.
Fun Land demonstrates an infantile, childish core of his personality, as evidenced both by his idea of fun and his outbursts when something goes wrong. As one of his quirks, he hates it when people shorten his nickname to just "Fun".
Fun Land seemed to be fond of his retired mother, gladly sharing details about her hobbies. His rant about "bad words" and washing one's mouth with soap might shed light on his upbringing.