Lindy Morris is first seen as a protagonist in The Dreaming: Waking Hours. She is a single mother, graduate student, and Shakespearean scholar.
One night, after having been scolded by her advisor, she dreamt of the nightmare, Ruin, who was trying to escape the Dreaming and enter the waking world. The two impact on one another, with Ruin escaping, but Lindy being trapped in the Dreaming, where she is surrounded by multiple versions of Shakespeare.
In this realm, Lindy encounters Anne Hathaway, Christopher Marlowe, a Spanish Moor, Sheikh Zubayr, an Illuminati Shakespeare, and two traditional perceptions of the Bard. Ultimately, she concludes in issue #5, "None of these Shakespeares are the real Shakespeare. They're all products of us--the living, here in the present. We can't untangle the man from the history. Our perception will always be clouded by the lens through which we see him."