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Sandman Wiki
This article is about Kate Fletcher from the comic series. You may be looking for Kate Fletcher from the Netflix adaptation.

Kate Fletcher was Garry Fletcher's wife and one of John Dee's victims from the diner in Mayhew.


Kate's early life hides her darkest secret. At 18 years old, after a rough breakup in college, a drunk Katy ended up in a mortuary next to her house and had sex with a corpse of a young guy. Since then necrophilia became her kink.

At some point in her life she married Garry Fletcher. She had been wealthy before she met him, so people in Mayhew were saying that he married her for her money. In any case, he hasn't been faithful to her; Kate often noticed lipstick on his collar.

In early April, 1989, she visited Bette's diner with her husband to have a breakfast. Unfortunately for her, this was the morning when John Dee chose Bette's diner as his headquarters, attempting to drive the world mad with his Materioptikon. Starting at 10 AM, everyone present at the diner fell under his spell and became a subject of his sadistic games. Under that psychic influence, Kate saw a wish-fulfillment dream in which she was making out with Garry's head on a plate, finally having him all to herself. In the next hours the victims did whatever Dee wanted them to, from worshiping him as a god to engaging in an orgy. In between Dee made Kate confess her darkest secret in great detail.

At midnight she became possessed by one of The Three and foretold Dee "a future bounded by walls and guards and the sour smell of madness". In the next hour, to their horror, Dee gave his victims their minds back for a while, and after that his games became even more depraved. Along with other victims, Kate was reduced to her animal instincts, then she started listening to Dee's fairy tales with a childlike awe, then she switched to singing for his entertainment. Finally, the victims were overcome with religious ecstasy and started mutilating themselves and each other. By 8 AM, Kate was gutted, likely by her husband, and dead along with everyone else in the diner.[1]

Physical appearance[]

Kate was a thin middle-aged woman with red hair. She is shown wearing a fashionable formal suit.


Kate had a demeanor of a strict and decisive business woman. She also seemed to be conscious about her diet, choosing low-cal and low-fat dishes at the diner.


Kate's marriage wasn't happy, but apparently she still loved her husband, only wishing she wouldn't have to share him with anyone.

