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This article is about Jack Holdaway Sr. You may be looking for his nephew Jack Holdaway Jr.
Jack Holdaway was Unity Kinkaid's solicitor.
The Holdaways have been serving as family solicitors for the Kinkaids since the Jacobite rising of 1745. By 1955 a lethargic Unity Kinkaid became orphaned, and the Holdaways placed her in a nursing home.[1] The Kinkaids' family house on Bedford Square was sold, and the Holdaways held on to some of their personal possessions, which Jack passed on to Unity when she woke up in 1988.
At first he didn't want to reveal to Unity that she bore a child in her sleep, but admitted the truth when she pressed him. Having located her daughter and granddaughter, she had Mr. Holdaway arrange their trip to England.[2]
He died a few years before 1993 due to heart issues.[3]