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Sandman Wiki
This article is about Hector Hall from the Netflix adaptation. You may be looking for Hector Hall from the comic series.

Hector Hall is Lyta's late husband who would appear to her in her dreams.



At some point before the events of the series Hector passed away, however his soul instead of going to the world of the dead hid in the Dreaming causing Lyta to always see him in her dreams.

Haunting Lyta's dreams[]

Hector appeared to Lyta in her dreams as she slept on the plane to London for Rose's interview. They briefly spoke of Rose, who hadn't been sleeping much lately, dealing with her mom's estate and her missing brother.[1]

Netflix The Sandman 108 Playing House 15 Lyta Hector

Hector and Lyta in bed

Hector and Lyta shared another dream together, during which time, he encouraged her to live her life instead of having ghost sex with her dead husband. Lyta retorted that he was a dream, not a ghost, but Hector believed otherwise; he never disappeared when Lyta awakened. He would instead go to work, which entailed building their dream house, which he proceeded to give Lyta a tour of. Hector even took the time to build a nursery, hopeful that Lyta would agree to stay with him in the Dreaming, but they both knew that eventually, she'd have to wake up. By morning, Hector attempted to convince Lyta to stay with him. Her being in his dream meant that something had shifted and that if she could choose to be there with him, then that meant she could choose to stay and start a family with him. Lyta kissed Hector and then she looked down and realized she was pregnant. And when Lyta awakened, she realized she was still pregnant.[2]

Lyta returned to the Dreaming, where she and Hector were having sex, until an earthquake shook the house. It had never happened before, but beyond the momentary quake, everything appeared as it should. Unfortunately, Hector hiding out in the Dreaming was causing disturbances in the realm, as he would come to learn from Morpheus, who returned Hector to his appointed place before informing Lyta that he would allow her to keep the baby for the time being, but it was conceived in the Dreaming, and one day, he would come for it.[3]

Physical Appearance[]

When Hector died, he was a young man with dark brown eyes and short dark hair.


Season 1[]



  1. Season 1, Episode 7: The Doll's House
  2. Season 1, Episode 8: Playing House
  3. Season 1, Episode 9: Collectors