Erasmus Fry was a famous author who imprisoned Calliope for her inspiration.
Enslaving Calliope[]
More than 50 years ago, Erasmus traveled to Mount Helicon and discovered a trove of ancient texts about the Muses and how to control them. With this knowledge, he managed to gain control of the Greek goddess Calliope, who left her scroll unattended. Erasmus found it and burned the scroll after reading it and saying, "Calliope, you may call me master." Since then, he's had her locked away in his cellar, where he forced her to use her powers of inspiration to help him become a world-renowned author. However, it came to a point where not even her inspiration could keep people interested in his writing, so Erasmus gave Calliope to Richard Madoc in exchange for a "genuine trichino-bezoar." She gave Erasmus glory, fame, among other things, but his time had since passed and he was quite frankly tired of her, though he did ask Richard if he could put in a good word to his publishers to bring one of Erasmus' books back. About three years later, Erasmus killed himself. The last thing he did was write a letter to his publisher, begging them to bring one of his old books back into print.[1]
Physical Appearance[]
Erasmus was an older man with white hair and blue eyes.