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David Easterman and his ex-wife, Jude Easterman are the biological parents of Elaine Belloc.


David Easterman is an advertising executive. Several years previous to the events of Lucifer, he was living with a woman named Jude, and they were expecting a baby. One night, Easterman awoke to find a grey-haired man standing over Jude. The man (who was the angel Sandalphon) told Easterman to sleep; since then he has suffered from cataplexy. In the morning, Jude discovered that she was no longer pregnant - the shock of this and Easterman's sleep problems led to the end of their relationship.

Lucifer informs Easterman that his daughter is alive and living by the name Elaine Belloc. From that point on, Easterman devotes his life to tracking down Elaine and keeping her safe, although he entirely incapable of combating the entities who wish to harm her. Lucifer uses this to manipulate him into leading Lucifer to Sandalphon's hideout, and later into channeling Elaine's grandmothers.





